Beginning May 1, 2015, Facebook is making changes to how we and all other partner developers receive information about monitored account activity. The majority of the Facebook notifications you receive from MamaBear about your child’s Facebook activity will remain the same, with the exception of being aware of new friend connections.
This will affect any Facebook account that you are monitoring through your MamaBear account.
While we regret losing this one part of our Facebook monitoring features, we continue to work with Facebook to add a host of new activity features that will make your MamaBear experience even better. New Facebook monitoring features through MamaBear are the horizon with a robust look into your child’s activity.
HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Log In to Facebook in your MamaBear app on or after May 1 as you did originally. There is no need to log out of MamaBear, simply reconnect to your child’s Facebook account within your MamaBear App settings with your child’s user name and password.
MamaBear recently added Tumblr as a social service to monitor in our social suite with Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Tumblr has 420 million users and is a very popular blog site among teens. Connect to your child’s Tumblr account through MamaBear and you will be notified about blogs your child likes including blog titles, description and URL. You’ll also receive details about which blog authors they follow with the name, URL, date they liked it, date it was posted and a picture, if there is one. Ask your child if they have a Tumblr account and begin monitoring today.